Category Archives: Press

San Francisco Bay Guardian

Bay Guardian Review“An inspiring look at the Marin County activists who fought to preserve the NorCal coastline at a time when ‘conservation’ was a dirty word.”
Review by Dennis Harvey
full issue

San Francisco Chronicle- Leah Garchick Column

LeahGarchickColumn “The cocktail invented for the [SF Green Film Festival screening] is the Marincello (prosecco with limoncello, preserved Meyer lemon syrup and frozen raspberry), and – not denigrating the seriousness of the subject – the exact recipe for the drink has more hits on the movie’s Facebook page than any other information on the site.”
full article

“Tells the David and Goliath story of how one of America’s most visited, and arguably it’s most beautiful, urban national parks…almost didn’t exist.”
full review


“Describes in fascinating detail how dedicated conservationists raised Californians’ awareness of their power to promote change.”
full review

7×7 Magazine

“All it takes is a village — that’s the message in Rebels With a Cause, a documentary by Nancy Kelly and Kenji Yamamoto about a few fierce Marinites who banded together to save the Point Reyes National Seashore and Golden Gate National Recreation Area from big business development.”
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San Francisco Bay Guardian Online

“Testaments to the ability of citizen activism to arrest the seemingly unstoppable forces of money, power and political influence. There is a hidden history of the Bay Area, and of what didn’t come to pass — numerous marinas, subdivisions, and other developments that would have made San Francisco and its surrounds into another Los Angeles.”
full article 

North Bay Bohemian

“A documentary to honor those who dedicated themselves to preserving the land in a post–World War II era, a time when development was king and owning a home meant believing in America…Instead of cows and native shrubs and grasses, imagine the scenic Marin Headlands or Point Reyes covered in little boxes made of ticky-tacky.”
full review

Sonoma State Star

“Director Nancy Kelly is a rebel with a cause…While James Dean didn’t have a cause, Kelly found a handful of Rebels with an important one: saving the Marin-Sonoma Coast.”
full review

Santa Rosa Press Democrat

“If we want more retrospective, more talk of game-changers, we need to watch for a remarkable film called Rebels With a Cause…the long-awaited result of a good idea.”
full review